Artist Biographies
Please click on an artist's name to view some interesting facts about their life, work, education and importance in the art world.
Hudson River School
Henry Ary
Charles Beauregard Albert Bierstadt DeWitt Clinton Boutelle Albertus Del Orient Browere Harrison Bird Brown Johann Carmiencke John William Casilear Frederic Edwin Church George Lafayette Clough Edmund Coates Thomas Cole Jasper Francis Cropsey |
Asher B. Durand
Henry Furguson Sanford Robinson Gifford Regis Francois Gignoux James McDougal Hart Martin Johnson Heade James HopeRichard William Hubbard George Inness David Johnson John Frederick Kensett Fitz Henry Lane Louis Remy Mignot |
George Herbert McCord
Jervis McEntee Arthur Parton Horace Wolcott Robbins Frederic Rondel George Henry Smillie James David Smillie James Augustus Suydam Andrew Warren John Ferguson Weir Alexander Helwig Wyant |